Friday, September 6

8:15am EDT

Registration & Continental Breakfast
Friday September 6, 2024 8:15am - 8:45am EDT
Friday September 6, 2024 8:15am - 8:45am EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

8:45am EDT

Welcome and Conference Introduction
Friday September 6, 2024 8:45am - 9:00am EDT
Welcome to the first-ever Arts Disaster & Crisis Preparedness Conference! 
Friday September 6, 2024 8:45am - 9:00am EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

9:00am EDT

Place-Making and Social Infrastructure: The Hazard Story
Friday September 6, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
Place-Making and Social Infrastructure: The Hazard Story
Moderator: Jeff Fugate
Panelists: Melissa Bond, Baylen Campbell, Tim Deaton, Stacie Fugate, Rebekah Radtke

Hazard, Kentucky has seen a downtown renaissance in recent years, anchored in place-making strategies that prioritize local businesses, livability, and cultural identity. These efforts are both a consequence of and reinforcing of social and human capital in the community. The 2022 floods floods brought into focus the importance of a viable community as a means of resilience and recovery.

This panel invites key participants in Hazard’s story along with UK Design faculty to discuss the time leading up to
the flood, the immediate aftermath, and plans for a more resilient future. Hazard’s trajectory began a decade ago with a small group of young people coming together as InVision Hazard, a volunteer organization committed to amplifying the best of the community. Through programming such as Thursdays on the Triangle, a summer live music event, the group demonstrated the viability of downtown. Capital soon followed with creation of the ArtStation, a home for the Appalachian Arts Alliance in a derelict former bus station. The City created a Downtown Coordinator position to drive investment. New businesses now populate Main Street and the surrounds, including a coffee shop, cafes, bars, a bookstore, and a toyshop.

The strength of the community’s social, human, and built capital is vital to Hazard’s ongoing revitalization. The same networks also supported Hazard’s role as a center for response and recovery in August of 2022. They were able to quickly set up a receiving and distribution center in a vacant store, assign responsibilities, and establish communication channels well before FEMA arrived. Meanwhile, other communities with less robust social networks have struggled to find their footing. Social infrastructure is too often ignored in disaster mitigation in favor of technical solutions like relocation or flood-control. Taking a different tact towards climate futures, Studio Appalachia—a project of the UK College of Design—has supported Hazard over the past three years to develop a strategy for climate resilience through community resilience. In lieu of the typical plan document, developed through discreet input sessions and largely driven by “best-practices,” Studio Appalachia has been intentional about relationship-building, iterative ideation, and co-design efforts to support locally-derived community improvements.
avatar for Melissa Bond

Melissa Bond

Community Arts Extension Program Leader, University of Kentucky
avatar for Jeff Fugate

Jeff Fugate

Associate Professor, University of Kentucky / Studio Appalachia
Jeff Fugate is an Associate Professor in the UK School of Architecture, where he co-leads Studio Appalachia and Studio Louisville. Fugate has a two-decade career in community development prior to joining academia. His current research interests lie at the intersection of community-engaged... Read More →
avatar for Rebekah Radtke

Rebekah Radtke

Associate Professor, University of Kentucky
Rebekah Radtke is an Associate Professor in the School of Interiors at the University of Kentucky College of Design. She is a University Research Professor (2024) and a Chellgren Endowed Professor (2023-2026). She received her Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design at UK and Master of... Read More →
avatar for Baylen Campbell

Baylen Campbell

Director of Community Impact, Invest Appalachia
avatar for Tim Deaton

Tim Deaton

Executive Director, Appalachian Arts Alliance
Timothy Deaton, is the Executive Director of the Appalachian Arts Alliance. After studying Music and Theatre Education at Morehead State University, and a short stent in New York performing in numerous Theatrical and Operatic Productions, Tim returned to the Mountains, where his heart... Read More →
avatar for Stacie Fugate

Stacie Fugate

Coordinator, Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky/InVision Hazard
Friday September 6, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

9:45am EDT

Friday September 6, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am EDT
Friday September 6, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

9:45am EDT

Art of Mass Gatherings Podcast Recording: Share Your Stories of Creative Resilience
Friday September 6, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am EDT
The Art of Mass Gatherings Podcast explores the intersection of festivals and community resilience, focusing on the powerful role that arts and events can play in climate and disaster preparedness. Since 2017, we’ve turned festivals across the country into classrooms for sharing practical knowledge across diverse fields such as arts, city and disaster planning, culture, and food. The podcast features dialogues with event producers and emergency experts, emphasizing the four pillars of resilient gatherings: safety, sustainability, accessibility, and community engagement. It delves into the role of cultural traditions and festivals as platforms for social change.

Share your stories of “creative resilience” and be featured on the upcoming podcast! In this pop-up recording
booth, we’re collecting stories, songs and thoughts about resilience, mass gatherings, community preparedness, and the intersections between the arts and disaster response. Memories related to safety, sustainability, or accessibility at festivals, stories about Kentucky (or wherever you call home), artists as responders, and more: surprise us!

We will be interviewing and trying to bring out the most heartfelt content we can.
avatar for Matthew Ché Kowal

Matthew Ché Kowal

Co-Founder, Majestic Collaborations & Art of Mass Gatherings
Cofounder Majestic Collaborations.Emergency Preparedness Consultant - Performing Arts Readiness Grant funded by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, to provide webinars, venue and festivals preparedness.Envisioned the experiential learning platform Art of Mass Gatherings Symposium as... Read More →

Friday September 6, 2024 9:45am - 10:00am EDT
Gatton Student Center: Third Floor Corridor between 330B and 330C

10:00am EDT

Conversations on Emergency Prevention, Management, and Response
Friday September 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Conversations on Emergency Prevention, Management, and Response
Panelists: Alicia Jay, Wes Bedwell. Kyle Jay

This session features a Certified Building Official/Fire Marshall, disaster responder EPA subcontractor, and Theatrical Firearms Safety artist/Fight Choreographer to talk about various aspects of emergency response from prevention through recovery with the through-line of fire.

Emergency management begins before the emergency has occurred. With knowledge, a plan of action, and some common sense, organizations can position themselves for better outcomes when it comes to emergency prevention, mitigation, and recovery. This session brings together a Certified Building Official/Fire Marshall, a disaster responder contracted by the EPA, and Certified Theatrical Firearms Safety artist/Fight Choreographer to talk about various aspects of emergency response from prevention through recovery. With a through-line of fire, the panelists bring experience working with theater venues as a Fire Marshal/Building Inspector/safety specialist (Wes), working with artists and administrators concerning theatrical firearm pyrotechnic devices and weapons/safety (Alicia), and as a disaster responder with experience working with large-scale fires and hazardous chemical detection (Kyle). 
This session will leave participants with practical tips that can make a difference at every level of emergency preparedness. Intended topics covered include:
- Required building codes (with consideration to design, retrofit);
- Fire Code Compliance, and, in particular, flame standards of curtains and decorative materials for stage scenery; the use of open flames/pyrotechnics in stage productions (NFPA 160, 1123& 1126), and Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans;
- Emergency Plans and where do they need to be posted/filed, who needs access to them;
- Chain of command for emergency response (and where organization leaders fall in that chain);
- Storage and transportation of theatrical firearms;
- Notice of theatrical firearm use, and in particular, who to notify, what to post, and mitigation strategies;
- Theatrical firearm venting (fire and burn hazard), use of blanks indoors;
- Stage weapon (not-so-) common sense, chain-of-command, and general safety;
- What happens when disaster emergency responders show up– what they do, what role personnel have; and
- Helpful information and tips from lived experience responding to chemical spills and natural disaster (fire).

Through this discussion, the panels aim to give digestible information and practical tips that can be implemented as they consider their own venue policies and procedures.

avatar for Alicia Jay

Alicia Jay

Assisstant Professor, Theater Management & Administration, Indiana State University

Kyle Jay

Independent contractor, Former EPA subcontractor
avatar for Wes Bedwell

Wes Bedwell

Certified Building Official, Certified Fire Marshal (Indiana), Indiana State University
Friday September 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330C/SEC Room

10:00am EDT

Emergency Management Perspectives
Friday September 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Beyond Rationality: Incorporating First Responder Grief Work into Disaster and Crisis Planning
Presenter: Amber Lynn Scott
First responders are rarely taught how to respect their own individual and organizational manifestations of trauma and grief that emerge during crisis. This presentation discusses a novel framework to overcome this identified gap.

Insights and Lessons Learned: Mitigation, Recovery & Resilience at University of Kentucky
Presenters: Laurel Wood and Kristen Sutherland
Discover approaches to disaster recovery and resilience when faced with natural disasters of any size, shape, or form and the challenges and successes associated with planning for the unknown at the Commonwealth's flagship institution of higher education.
avatar for Laurel Wood

Laurel Wood

Director, Center for Disaster Recovery and Reslience, University of Kentucky Police Department
Laurel Wood is the Director of UK’s Center for Disaster Recovery & Resilience. She began serving University of KY Police Department in 2011. Laurel oversees preparedness, operational disaster response, enterprise recovery and resilience, strategic planning, UK's 5-year Hazard Mitigation... Read More →

Kristen Sutherland

Project Manager, Center for Disaster Recovery & Resilience, University of Kentucky Police Department
avatar for Amber Lynn Scott

Amber Lynn Scott

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
Friday September 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330D 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

10:00am EDT

The Art of Mass Gatherings Approach: Festivals as Classrooms and Catalysts for Preparedness and Accessibility
Friday September 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
From Coachella to Carnivale, festivals sit at the crossroads of community, cultural tradition, and social transformation. As temporary towns and cities, they’re also windows into a community’s resilience against the impacts of extreme climate events, civil disruptions, and disaster.

Matthew Ché Kowal of Majestic Collaborations and Tom Clareson of Performing Arts Readiness will share lessons learned from the many Art of Mass Gatherings symposiums, festival/venue assessments, asset mapping, and resilience hubs sprints held across the US and Puerto Rico over the last six years. We consider the future trajectory future of workforce and infrastructure with "mass gathering resilience specialists” playing a key role in enhancing accessible and sustainable design.
avatar for Matthew Ché Kowal

Matthew Ché Kowal

Co-Founder, Majestic Collaborations & Art of Mass Gatherings
Cofounder Majestic Collaborations.Emergency Preparedness Consultant - Performing Arts Readiness Grant funded by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, to provide webinars, venue and festivals preparedness.Envisioned the experiential learning platform Art of Mass Gatherings Symposium as... Read More →
avatar for Tom Clareson

Tom Clareson

Project Director, Performing Arts Readiness/Lyrasis
Tom Clareson is Project Director of Performing Arts Readiness, funded by the Mellon Foundation to help performing arts organizations protect their assets, sustain operations and prepare for emergencies.  He also serves as Senior Consultant for Digital & Preservation Services at Lyrasis... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330E 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

11:00am EDT

Networking & Refreshment Break
Friday September 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am EDT
Friday September 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330AB 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

11:00am EDT

Art of Mass Gatherings Podcast Recording: Share Your Stories of Creative Resilience
Friday September 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am EDT
The Art of Mass Gatherings Podcast explores the intersection of festivals and community resilience, focusing on the powerful role that arts and events can play in climate and disaster preparedness. Since 2017, we’ve turned festivals across the country into classrooms for sharing practical knowledge across diverse fields such as arts, city and disaster planning, culture, and food. The podcast features dialogues with event producers and emergency experts, emphasizing the four pillars of resilient gatherings: safety, sustainability, accessibility, and community engagement. It delves into the role of cultural traditions and festivals as platforms for social change.

Share your stories of “creative resilience” and be featured on the upcoming podcast! In this pop-up recording
booth, we’re collecting stories, songs and thoughts about resilience, mass gatherings, community preparedness, and the intersections between the arts and disaster response. Memories related to safety, sustainability, or accessibility at festivals, stories about Kentucky (or wherever you call home), artists as responders, and more: surprise us!

We will be interviewing and trying to bring out the most heartfelt content we can.
avatar for Matthew Ché Kowal

Matthew Ché Kowal

Co-Founder, Majestic Collaborations & Art of Mass Gatherings
Cofounder Majestic Collaborations.Emergency Preparedness Consultant - Performing Arts Readiness Grant funded by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, to provide webinars, venue and festivals preparedness.Envisioned the experiential learning platform Art of Mass Gatherings Symposium as... Read More →

Friday September 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:15am EDT
Gatton Student Center: Third Floor Corridor between 330B and 330C

11:15am EDT

Aftermath of an Emergency: Applying Lessons Learned from Ensuring Continuity of Operations To Preparing for Disaster
Friday September 6, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Aftermath of an Emergency: Applying lessons learned from ensuring Continuity of Operations towards preparing for disaster
Panelists: Rusty Heckaman & Rebecca Halbmaier

On the evening of December 10, 2021, a storm brewing across the Western region of Kentucky produced an EF4 tornado that tore through Graves County. The swath of damage and destruction left in its wake was devastating. Lives were lost, and homes, businesses, churches, and historical landmarks were destroyed. Among those buildings struck was the Graves County Courthouse, which had been damaged beyond repair. County Courthouses serve vital functions for their communities, acting as the authority for issuing and registering records like those for marriage, property, and voter rolls, as well as administering elections and taxes. While serving the contemporary needs of the public, they are also a repository for
the records of their community’s past. Efforts to maintain these records are supported by the Local Records Branch of KDLA in the form of regional administrators who consult local officials on matters of records retention and preservation.

In the aftermath of the disaster, court personnel worked closely with state colleagues to ascertain the scope of the damage to the courthouse and the records stored within. Exposure to the elements threatened the integrity of large amounts of records and required personnel to act quickly to save them. The services of a recovery company were acquired and refrigerated trucks were used to transport the material to storage until further action could be taken.

A month after the tornado struck the Graves County court resumed operations in a temporary space. Essential records needed for the continuity of their operations were in storage as salvage efforts continued. Land records proved to be in especially high demand as residents sought records to provide insurers for claims to their properties. Access copies created by the Local Records branch of KDLA were made available through the efforts of the staff of the State Archives. Staff fulfilled over 430 requests and provided over 1,000 copies of deeds to the clerks. Electronic Records personnel undertook a project to digitize deed records so that clerks might have access to them without the continued assistance of archives staff. Further assistance was provided through the indexing of Circuit Court Cases from 1978 to 1985 to accommodate access to case files in the loss of local indexes.

Applying the lessons learned from this case to better preparation for disaster could better ensure an organization’s readiness to respond and maintain its operations in its wake.

avatar for Rebecca Halbmaier

Rebecca Halbmaier

Local Records Branch - Regional Administrator, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
avatar for Rusty Heckaman

Rusty Heckaman

State Archivist, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
Friday September 6, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330C/SEC Room

11:15am EDT

Arts, Healing, and Resilience: Creative Strategies for Community Wellness
Friday September 6, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Community, Healing, and the Arts in Disaster
Presenters: Eleanor Billington and Heather Spooner
Join the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to discuss the critical role that arts and culture play in community wellness and mental health, specifically the NEA's Military Healing Network Intiative: Creative Forces.

Natural Resiliency: Creative Approaches to Healing After Disaster
Presenter: Jessica Evans
This presentation and discussion, with real-world examples, will outline the many ways that creative expression can foster resilience and help both individuals and communities navigate the journey toward healing and recovery amidst adversity.
avatar for Heather Spooner

Heather Spooner

Arts Therapist and Researcher, National Endowment for the Arts, Creative Forces Initiative
Heather Spooner, MA, ATR-BC, serves as the Clinical Lead for Telehealth and Disaster Response for Creative Forces. She is a board-certified art therapist who earned a BA in Art with a minor in Psychology from the University of Tampa and an MA in Art Therapy from Marywood University... Read More →
avatar for Eleanor Billington

Eleanor Billington

Civic Partnerships Manager, National Endowment for the Arts
Eleanor Billington is the Civic Partnerships Manager at the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). She manages the local arts agency grant portfolio as well as the NEA’s disaster recovery and emergency preparedness work.
avatar for Jessica Evans

Jessica Evans

Community Arts Senior Extension Associate, University of Kentucky
Jessica, a Kentucky native, earned her Bachelor of Fine Art in Ceramics from East Tennessee State University. Jessica has held a variety of roles at galleries, museums and art centers including curation, graphic design/marketing, teaching, grant-writing, and project management. She... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330D 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

11:15am EDT

Navigating Uncertainty: From Personal Preparedness to Community Engagement in Challenging Times
Friday September 6, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Take Manageable Steps Towards Adequate Preparation
Presenter: Leah Craig
Disaster preparedness can be a daunting, overwhelming task. Learn manageable steps toward improving your disaster preparedness starting with yourself, working within your team, and influencing your organization.

Creativity in Adversity: Continuing “Pandemic-Era” Community Engagement Practices in the Dance Field Post-Pandemic
Presenter: EveMarie Bessenbach
The dance field should continue utilizing “pandemic-era” practices based on the unexpected, yet tremendous ability to
successfully foster community engagement and increase accessibility to dance - even during one of the most devasting
events in modern history.
avatar for EveMarie Bessenbach

EveMarie Bessenbach

Director of Development and Communications, Hendricks Live!
EveMarie Bessenbach is the Director of Development and Communications for Hendricks Live!, the new performing arts center in Plainfield, Indiana.  She is the Editorial Assistant for the Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, and she is on the advisory board for the Hendricks... Read More →
avatar for Leah W. Craig

Leah W. Craig

Program Consultant, Kentucky Historical Society
I currently serve as the Program Consultant at the Kentucky Historical Society, assisting with collections management. I have gained over 10 years of experience in the museum and non-profit fields working at the National Corvette Museum, Historic Paris-Bourbon County/Hopewell Museum... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330E 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

12:15pm EDT

Friday September 6, 2024 12:15pm - 12:45pm EDT
Friday September 6, 2024 12:15pm - 12:45pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

12:45pm EDT

Community Recovery Through Arts and Culture
Friday September 6, 2024 12:45pm - 1:30pm EDT
Community Recovery Through Arts and Culture
Moderator: Jan Newcomb
Panelists: Eleanor Billington, Tom Clareson, Emily Moses, Mollie Quinlan-Hayes

Kentucky and Hawai’i are unfortunate colleagues in experiencing disaster. Arts and culture networks are becoming key drivers of community recovery. This session explores this process in both communities and looks at the road ahead.
avatar for Jan Newcomb

Jan Newcomb

Executive Director, National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER)
Jan Newcomb was appointed Executive Director of the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness & Emergency Response in 2018, and the Performing Arts Coordinator for the Performing Arts Readiness Project in 2017. Since 2023 she has served as Professor, Volunteer Title Series at the University... Read More →
avatar for Tom Clareson

Tom Clareson

Project Director, Performing Arts Readiness/Lyrasis
Tom Clareson is Project Director of Performing Arts Readiness, funded by the Mellon Foundation to help performing arts organizations protect their assets, sustain operations and prepare for emergencies.  He also serves as Senior Consultant for Digital & Preservation Services at Lyrasis... Read More →
avatar for Mollie Quinlan-Hayes

Mollie Quinlan-Hayes

Fund Development and Program Officer, NCAPER/National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response
Mollie works primarily with two institutions committed to the readiness and recovery of artists and arts organizations in crisis. For NCAPER, the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response, she serves as the Fund Development and Program Officer. This arm of her... Read More →
avatar for Eleanor Billington

Eleanor Billington

Civic Partnerships Manager, National Endowment for the Arts
Eleanor Billington is the Civic Partnerships Manager at the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). She manages the local arts agency grant portfolio as well as the NEA’s disaster recovery and emergency preparedness work.
avatar for Emily Moses

Emily Moses

Disaster Readiness and Response, Arts Consultant
Emily B. Moses has 18 years experience in government, both in human services and the arts. She has a background in communications and marketing, journalism, theatre and arts administration. Emily served as executive staff advisor for the Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 12:45pm - 1:30pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

1:30pm EDT

Tabletop Expo
Friday September 6, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Meet the keynote panelists and connect with essential services and programs to safeguard your arts organization and artistic work.

Featured Presenters at the Table Expo include:
  • Center for Disaster Recovery & Resilience, University of Kentucky Police Department
  • CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund)
  • Fireside Industries and The University Press of Kentucky featuring the new anthology, Troublesome Rising: A Thousand-Year Flood in Eastern Kentucky
  • Kentucky Department of Public Health, Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch
  • Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF)
  • Kentucky Heritage Emergency Response Network (KHERN)
  • Kentucky Arts Council
  • Kentucky Arts in Disaster Impact Report 
  • Kentuckians for the Arts
  • National Coalition of Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER) and Performing Arts Readiness Project
  • National Weather Service
  • University of Kentucky Department of Arts Administration featuring the Arts Emergency Management certificate programs

Friday September 6, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Gatton Student Center Social Staircase, Second Floor Atrium

2:00pm EDT

Materials Salvage Demonstration
Friday September 6, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
This demonstration of materials recovery and salvage from an arts and cultural disaster will provide ideas on how to recover library, archival, and arts collection materials such as books, papers, photographs, tapes, and computer media. Tom Clareson, the Project Director of Performing Arts Readiness and Senior Consultant for Digital & Preservation Services at Lyrasis, the leading library and archives network in the U.S., will also highlight best-practice resources for materials recovery.
avatar for Tom Clareson

Tom Clareson

Project Director, Performing Arts Readiness/Lyrasis
Tom Clareson is Project Director of Performing Arts Readiness, funded by the Mellon Foundation to help performing arts organizations protect their assets, sustain operations and prepare for emergencies.  He also serves as Senior Consultant for Digital & Preservation Services at Lyrasis... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330C/SEC Room

2:00pm EDT

Navigating Federal Regulations
Friday September 6, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
The Heritage Emergency National Task Force
Presenter: Sarah Caruso
A partnership between FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution, the Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) provides resources and information to help cultural stewards, emergency managers, and the public protect cultural heritage sites and resources. In addition to assisting museums and other cultural institutions when their collections are damaged by an event, HENTF helps reduce disaster suffering by assisting the public in salvaging flood-damaged family heirlooms. This presentation will explore HENTF’s role in disaster response, examples of HENTF’s work, and how we advocate for the protection of cultural heritage across the United States.

Federal Legal Frameworks for Protecting Historic Sites
Presenter: Yuha Jung
This session explores the interplay between federal laws and FEMA's role in disaster response, focusing on historic preservation. It examines legal protections and resilience for historic sites, and integration of preservation priorities into disaster management amidst climate change.
avatar for Sarah Caruso

Sarah Caruso

Disaster Operations Specialist, FEMA| Heritage Emergency National Task Force
avatar for Yuha Jung

Yuha Jung

Professor, University of Kentucky
Yuha Jung, JD, PhD, is a professor and the director of graduate studies of Arts Administration at the University of Kentucky. Her research is focused on systems theory and cultural diversity in arts and culture organizations. Her interdisciplinary work includes museum studies, arts... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330E 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

2:00pm EDT

Weather Planning and Community Safety Measures
Friday September 6, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
The National Weather Service - Building Resiliency in Kentucky
Presenter: Jane Marie Wix
What exactly is the National Weather Service? This presentation will give you an inside look at the role of the NWS offices across the state and country, talk about ways you can get involved, and will also discuss how the NWS Jackson, KY office is working within the community to help build better weather awareness, preparedness, and resiliency.

Safeguarding Community Celebrations
Presenters: Leah Hamilton, Melissa Bond
This session focuses on emergency planning strategies for community-based celebrations, using the Williamsburg, Kentucky Earth Day Festival as a real-world example. Hear about the successful partnership between UK Cooperative Extension and UK Arts Administration conducting a risk audit and building effective communication and training strategies with local administrators in a small town setting.
avatar for Jane Marie Wix

Jane Marie Wix

Warning Coordination Metoerologist, National Weather Service Jackson, KY
Jane Marie Wix is from Brandenburg, KY and a 2010 graduate of Western Kentucky University, part of their 1st ever graduating class of Meteorology! She has worked as a meteorologist intern at NWS Louisville, KY while in college, before moving to Marquette, MI to start her full-time... Read More →
avatar for Melissa Bond

Melissa Bond

Community Arts Extension Program Leader, University of Kentucky
avatar for Leah Hamilton

Leah Hamilton

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
Leah Hamilton is an Assistant Professor of Arts Administration at the University of Kentucky. Her research focus is on the intersection of arts, sociology, and emergency management, specifically in disaster management policy. Her most recent research was just released in summer of... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330D 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

3:00pm EDT

Networking & Refreshment Break
Friday September 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
Friday September 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330AB 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

3:00pm EDT

Art of Mass Gatherings Podcast Recording: Share Your Stories of Creative Resilience
Friday September 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
The Art of Mass Gatherings Podcast explores the intersection of festivals and community resilience, focusing on the powerful role that arts and events can play in climate and disaster preparedness. Since 2017, we’ve turned festivals across the country into classrooms for sharing practical knowledge across diverse fields such as arts, city and disaster planning, culture, and food. The podcast features dialogues with event producers and emergency experts, emphasizing the four pillars of resilient gatherings: safety, sustainability, accessibility, and community engagement. It delves into the role of cultural traditions and festivals as platforms for social change.

Share your stories of “creative resilience” and be featured on the upcoming podcast! In this pop-up recording
booth, we’re collecting stories, songs and thoughts about resilience, mass gatherings, community preparedness, and the intersections between the arts and disaster response. Memories related to safety, sustainability, or accessibility at festivals, stories about Kentucky (or wherever you call home), artists as responders, and more: surprise us!

We will be interviewing and trying to bring out the most heartfelt content we can.
avatar for Matthew Ché Kowal

Matthew Ché Kowal

Co-Founder, Majestic Collaborations & Art of Mass Gatherings
Cofounder Majestic Collaborations.Emergency Preparedness Consultant - Performing Arts Readiness Grant funded by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, to provide webinars, venue and festivals preparedness.Envisioned the experiential learning platform Art of Mass Gatherings Symposium as... Read More →

Friday September 6, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center: Third Floor Corridor between 330B and 330C

3:15pm EDT

Novel Frameworks for Resilience and Preparedness
Friday September 6, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Sustaining a Resilient Organization through Theoretical Constructivism & Actionable Pragmatism
Presenter: Josh Austin
Tenets of a resilient organization are examined via collaborative and coordinated-based theory. Specifically, both open systems and resilience theory are demonstrated as a means to install effective, sustainable system-to-system pragmatic action within an arts organization.

Preventative Conservation and Digital Revitalization of Cultural Heritage in Asia
Presenter: Ruby Yu
Explore preventive conservation and revitalization of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in Asia through digital technology and public engagement, with a focus on specific case studies including ancient artifacts, Chinese grottoes, traditional paintings, and various forms of intangible heritage.
avatar for Josh Austin

Josh Austin

National Director, United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829
Josh Austin serves as the National Director of United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829, IATSE—the national union representing designers, artists, and coordinators across the entertainment industry. Knowing that solidarity wins out, Josh has centered his educational tenure within the... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Ruby Yu

Dr. Ruby Yu

Visiting Assistant Professor, New York University—Steinhart
Friday September 6, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330D 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

3:15pm EDT

Safeguard Your Artistic Practice
Friday September 6, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
This session is designed for individual artists and their workspaces. It provides an overview of the important personal and professional readiness actions and resources available for artists through CERF+, the Craft Emergency Relief Fund.
avatar for Heather Beffa

Heather Beffa

Grants and Programs Manager, Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF+)
Heather Beffa manages grants and programs at the Craft Emergency Relief Fund, working remotely from the Denver area. She takes pride in supporting craft artists in their recovery and emergency preparedness efforts. Previously, Heather worked with ArtsKC in Kansas City, Missouri, where... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330E 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

3:15pm EDT

Jumpstart Your Readiness Plan with ArtsReady
Friday September 6, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Jumpstart Your Readiness Plan with ArtsReady
Panelists: Jan Newcomb and Mollie Quinlan-Hayes 

The online ArtsReady tool guides you through creating a readiness plan for your arts organization. Bring your laptop and get started!

*Get your free subscription code (a $100 value) by visiting the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER) table at the Table Expo.

avatar for Jan Newcomb

Jan Newcomb

Executive Director, National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER)
Jan Newcomb was appointed Executive Director of the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness & Emergency Response in 2018, and the Performing Arts Coordinator for the Performing Arts Readiness Project in 2017. Since 2023 she has served as Professor, Volunteer Title Series at the University... Read More →
avatar for Mollie Quinlan-Hayes

Mollie Quinlan-Hayes

Fund Development and Program Officer, NCAPER/National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response
Mollie works primarily with two institutions committed to the readiness and recovery of artists and arts organizations in crisis. For NCAPER, the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response, she serves as the Fund Development and Program Officer. This arm of her... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, 330C/SEC Room

4:15pm EDT

Conference Unwind
Friday September 6, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
Conference Unwind
Presenter: Leah Hamilton
Join the "Conference Unwind" to share and hear stories from fellow conference attendees while engaging in tabletop scenarios—a valuable training tool for enhancing preparedness.
avatar for Leah Hamilton

Leah Hamilton

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
Leah Hamilton is an Assistant Professor of Arts Administration at the University of Kentucky. Her research focus is on the intersection of arts, sociology, and emergency management, specifically in disaster management policy. Her most recent research was just released in summer of... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 4:15pm - 5:00pm EDT
Gatton Student Center, Ballroom B 160 Ave of Champions, Lexington, KY 40508, USA

5:00pm EDT

Closing Reception
Friday September 6, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Join us for the closing reception featuring light bites and beverages as you explore the UK Art Museum.
Friday September 6, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
University of Kentucky Art Museum 405 Rose St, Lexington, KY 40508, USA
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